Thursday, September 21, 2006

My Own Creation Myth

I heard a man named Clinton this morning speaking on the radio. His sentences had both subject and verb. Each sentence had something to do with the last. His words were precise and confident. He balanced necessity and principal. Once men like this roamed the Earth and were elected President. But they had sex with women not their wives. And the American public -- who never have sex with anyone save their spouse or liking to believe that such is true -- tried to cast him out in the Great Meteor Shower of Self Righteousness. While they survived for a short while, the Clintons were replaced by the Bush Dwellers, a carnivorous species without the ability to see very far ahead, who preyed on weaker beings and angered every other species on the planet.

The Bush Dwellers were challenged by others, but they relied upon the strongest of their species, The Rovers, to threaten and scare them off.

More evolutionary news as events warrant.


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