Monday, October 16, 2006

It Never Seems to Stop

In a lot of corruption stories, the news ends with an indictment. Not so with Jack Abramoff.

This weekend, it seems Abramoff spilled more vile juice about his contacts with Ken Mehlmann. Mehlmann is now the head of the RNC, before that he was in the White House's political shop. In the latter capacity, Abramoff's records show that Mehlman agreed to pressure a State Department official to fire an underling who was giving one of Abramoff's clients a hard time. The official was fired. Mehlmann went to a U2 concert with some buddies on Abramoff's dime. Not suprisingly, Mehlmann now has "no recollection" of the concert or the influence peddling.

This story really has two deeply disturbing elements: 1) blatant quid pro quo bribery and 2) Republicans at a U2 concert (Listen to the lyrics guys, they are against everything you are for.)


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