Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Nothing Says "Culture of Life" like....

This week, the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that the marriage amendment act passed by Michigan voters prohibited municipalities and public universities from offering medical benefits to same sex couples and their dependents. The legal challenge was brought by the Catholic Thomas More Legal Society, who are -- as you may imagine -- quite pleased with their legal victory.

So at the end of this battle for righteousness we have more people without health insurance. At least some of these people, according to the Free Press, are children.

Christianity may be about a lot of things, but I don't think it is about denying people medical care. Are we to imagine that Christ would not have raised Lazarus from the dead, or refused to heal lepers, if they were gay? This is just the type of sad, twisted, hypocritical theology that sours so many -- myself among them -- on so called people of faith.

On another note, we continue to shed blood in an unjustifiable war in Iraq. And this is the fight the christians pick? This type of myopia -- this strange fetish with fags, f---king, and fetuses --is such a terrible waste of resources and a terrible perversion of the best Christianity has to offer. One could only imagine the results if so-called christians dedicated this much time and energy to getting coverage for the 47 million uninsured, lowering our astronomical infant mortality rate, stopping this horrible war, or seeking racial conciliation.

For right now, that's all we can do ---- imagine -- becuase for right now, unless it involves sex or unborn children -- the Christians ain't touchin' it.


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