Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I Feel your Pain Jon....

Last nite I watched Jon Stewart's Daily Show segment on the Walter Reed Hospital debacle. I have watched the Daily Show on and off for years and respect Stewart as a schtick man extraordinaire. His ability to keep it dead pan is his trademark. However, on last night's episode I could clearly see that Stew was closing to losing it. Close to simply going beserk over the fate of our wounded soldiers. ("Did I mention that their were people in those rooms? Did I mention those people were soldiers? Did I mention those people were wounded soldiers?").

Over the past eight years I have criticized the simple inhumanity and incompetence of the Bush Administration and its enablers in a tone that modulates between ironic and sarcastic. I always thought subtlety would prove more effective than a full frontal attack. But sometimes, it just gets too much. When you won't even keep vermin away from the men and women who have been wounded doing your foolhardy and deadly bidding, when you won't even lift them out of their own urine, even the most jaded among us begins to feel the heat rising to their face.

I know, I know, you can't actually hold the Commander in Chief responsible for what happens to his soldiers and what, with only $8 billion to spend each week....


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