Friday, June 15, 2007

Lincoln -- That Slacker

I just made my weekly tour of right of center blogs. It appears that Republicans have settled on one adjective to use against both Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton: ambitious.

Maybe I am just missing it, but has there ever been a President who was not ambitious? That is, someone who never wanted the top job and never took any action to position himself for it? Which President was it that said, "Okay if you make me, but just this once 'cuz I got other stuff to do." Face it. Even in the 19th Century, and even more so in the 20th when the rise of urban machines created a whole new class of potential politicians, politics has been an ambitious business. Every guy who held the top job wanted it and worked damn hard to get it. Do any of us really think that Messrs Giuliani, McCain and Romney are not ambitious men? That they just hope to fall, Forest Gump like, into the Presidency?


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