Friday, September 28, 2007

A Little Taste

I regularly look at in order to keep up with the thinking on the other side of the political aisle. Today, I found something that paraphrases the mentality that has run our country for the last 8 years, much better than a thousand entries from me:

Two years after Katrina, everywhere you turn, there are people carping, whining, and kvetching. Just why hasn't the pity party for the citizens of New Orleans run out of booze and chips yet?

... we're all supposed to eternally sit around and weep tiny little tears of sadness for the people who really took it on the chin in a hurricane because they chose to live in a city shaped like a soup bowl on the coast. Let me tell all the citizens of New Orleans something that should have been told to them 18 months ago: it's time to stop playing the sympathy card and get over it.

Nobody is owed a living for the rest of his life because he had a bad break two years ago.... How sad and pathetic is it that these shiftless people are still leaching off their fellow citizens?

... Guess what, buddy? You're right; nobody does "give a s*** about New Orleans" any more other than a few saints and a lot of manipulative Democrats looking for a political issue they can exploit. That's the nature of life. [emphasis added]

We have it all here. The retaining walls of the conservative ideology: 1) we are not responsible for each other 2) those who seek public assistance are "shiftless" and "lazy," 3) those who advocate for others are just being "manipulative" and 4" life is short,, brutal and unfair. There is nothing we can do it about it so get used to it. Ask yourslef how many different times you have heard these themes in different contexts.


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