Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Some Reasons to Vote GOP

Reading the conservative blogs early this morning, it seems folks are a little disheartened. The McCain campaign is just not capturing the hearts and minds of GOP votres. TWN to the rescue. Here are some reasons to vote GOP:

1) Because only the powerful should write the rules.
2) Becuase only criminals and terrorists really use their civil rights.
3) Because if you elect a Democrat, blacks/hispanics/gays or worse will move into your neighborhood.
4) Because you cannot have a succesful society unless people ruthlessly compete against each other like animals in the wilderness.
5) Because the last thing we need is some smarty pants in the White House.
6) Because a Democrat will let the rest of the world forget who is boss.
7) Because a Democrat will let other countries keep their make believe weapons.
8) Because Republican officeholder make us all look good by comparison.
9) Because Flag Pins are really really important. Really.
10) Because the social safety net just encourages losers.


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