Tuesday, October 14, 2008

McCain Update

I see that some young actors are putting together a TV Ad called "Talk to Your Parents about McCain." It is a spoof of the "Talk to Your Kids About Drugs" ads run by the NAC. Here is a suggested script:

Kid: Mom, dad... we need to have a talk. I was looking for my i-pod in your car when I found these...(show McCain Bumper stickers)

(Parents are rolling their eyes and shifting uncomfortably.)

Kid: Voting is a very serious and your vote can have a lasting impact on your life.

Parents: All the other parents are voting for McCain. Obama is too inexperienced.

Kid: Listen: I know how hard it is to resist your friends. And I know McCain is considered cool because of his record in Vietnam. I know war heroes popular with you guys and that you all wished you had the chance to fight in a war and prove yourself like John McCain, but there is more to it than that.

Parents: You are so out of it. Barak Obama will raise taxes and regulate the securities markets. Johnny's parents say they would have to give up there three week European vacation or move down to a house with only 3000 square feet.

Kid: Well, Johnny's parents aren't paying our medical bills or my tuition at State U -- which is 50% higher than it was a decade ago. Listen ... sometimes the easy answers aren't the right ones. You can't just cut taxes and let corporations do whatever they want. That won't fix anything even though it sounds nice. Just because it feels good, doesn't mean its good for you.

Parent: But what about all the bullies that McCain keeps talking about?

Kid: You have to grow up and understand that talking tough doesn't solve all the problems. Sometimes you need to be smart about people who don't like you.

Female Parent: But Sarah Palin is a mom like me...

Kid: I know and she is pretty too. Plus she seems to validate your choice to become a mother by wanting to make every young woman a mother whether they want to or not. But I bet if you asked her some questions, like about what newspapers she reads and what court decisions she doesn't like, you would realize that she is not as smart as she sounds in front of crowds made up of all her friends reading a speech someone else wrote.

Parent: But Obama is just not cool. All the other parents will call me disloyal and a sissy if we don't vote for McCain.

Kid: Listen, I know Barak Obama does not look like you and he has led a life that is different than yours. I know -- especially at your age -- that can be pretty scary. But we just can't keep doing the same thing forever particularly when it is killing people abroad and making us all poorer.

Parent: But its only one vote...

Kid: That is what you said about Ronald Reagan. remember how much you liked him? And one Republican vote led to another and another and another. Now we are hated throughout the world, our economy is in the dumper, we have a huge national deficit and the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer.

Parent: But Obama didn't even wear a flag pin... what a dork.

Kid: (deep breath) didn't we already talk about judging people by what is on the inside not the outside?

Parent: Stony silence....

Kid: Just promise me that before you vote for John McCain, you will come talk to me, ok?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

tee hee ou are right, that is very funny...I like the flag pin.

Good job!

11:36 AM  

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