Monday, December 08, 2008

Sit Down in Illinois

According to the news, workers at a window factory outside Chicago are occupying their plant after being given two days notice of its closure. (Sounds like a WARN violation.) The workers would recieve no severance or credit for unpaid vacation days. The workers and their supporters are targeting Bank of America, who cut off financing to the company (Republic Windows). Several Democrats and a few Republicans have said that the bailout money BOA recieved was intended to avoid situations just like this and that financing should be made available to keep the plant running.

Two levels to this. At the grassroots, we see a recognition by working people that they are entitled to more than corporate America says they get. A counterpoint to our usual narrative that tells working people that "sh-t happens," and they get what the "market" determines. On a political level, we see an effort to cut out the Bank's discretion and channel bailout money in ways that benefit ordinary Americans, perhaps something we should have thought of first.


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