Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Random Points on Lebanon

This morning the BBC is reporting that Israel bombed a UN observer post killing four UN observers. Records indicate that the observers asked Israel to stop shelling at least four times as the bombs fell closer to their post.

In other news, it appears that the Lebanese government has adopted at least four conditions to a cease fire that our consistent with Hezbollah's demands. Among them: Israel must relinquish Shebba Farms which they currently occupy, Israel must release three Lebanese prisoners, and must end fly overs in Lebanon's airspace.

On the US end, Condi Rice failed to advocate for an immediate cease fire and instead said the US wants some sort of global deal. This combined with the US' delay in sending someone to Lebanon, and evidence indicating that an invasion of Lebanon was cleared by the Bush administration months ago, suggests to many that the US is willing to let Israel continue its incursion into Lebanon in the hopes that it will weaken Hezbollah, and by association Iran and Syria. I fear this tactic will only cement anti -US sentiment throughout the region.


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