Friday, July 07, 2006

Or Maybe Some of Those Hallmark Balloons ....

This week, the LA Times reported that the civilian death toll in Iraq may have topped 50,000, or about 15 Iraqis for every American who died on 9/11. (Proprtionately, this is the equivalent of having 600,000 American die in the last three years). The Times used data from the morgues in major Iraqi cities but acknowledged that many morgues in Northern Iraq do not report their numbers. This raises the question, has enough blood been shed that Americans feel safe? To find out, we traveled to Elk Grove, Il and asked Bush supporter Christine Blowfish, who reported that she voted for the President in 2004 because he made her feel safe in the wake of 9/11. Blowfish, who was shopping for a new cell phone in a suburban strip mall, told us, "Safe? Yes, I suppose I feel safer than I did back then. But that is not the end of it. I need to feel... I don't know ....heroic too. I need to feel like we were right and I want the Iraqi's to acknowledge the tremendous sacrifice we made in invading their country. I mean safe is only part of it, I need to be proud too." Asked how the Iraqi's could repay our kindness, Blowfish paused and said, well, "I will leave that up to them, but I would think a nice gift card,to the Coach Outlet or something..."


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