Monday, August 06, 2007

Politicize This...

Credit to for telling the political backstory of the I-35 collapse in Minnesota. Seems the Republican Governor made a big show of vetoing a bipartisan bill that would have allocated $300 million to bridge and road repair in 2005. He even had one of those big "VETO" stamps on stage with him. He was very proud of his tax cutting credentials and said the Minnesota legislature must have been "stupid" to send him the bill. The Governor's veto left the Minnesota Department of Transportation pretty much bankrupt until 2007, too late to fix any bridges.

Substitute "levees" for "bridges" and this story sounds very familiar. I suspect a lot of people will say that you should not "politicize a tragedy." But that is BS. This was not an unpredictable act of god, it was a failure of oversight. The people in charge of our infrastructure failed to do their job because they cared more about money than people. Talking about this failure is not "politicizing" it, it is simply holding people accountable for it.


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