Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Looking at the transcripts from today's House hearings on the Blackwater mercenary firm we employe to do the dirty work in Iraq, a theme emerges: MoveOn.Org. The Republicans opened the hearing by condemning the liberal group for its Petraeus/Betray Us" ad that ran like two weeks ago. According to Republican reps Issa and Livingston, the House in only holding hearings in an effort to discredit the war effort and its Republican supporters. Whew. For a minute I thought it was becuase Blackwater seems to kill a lot of civilians, employ a lot of guys with drug problems, cost a lot of money (over $400,000 per merecenary a year) and because some think it might not be a good idea for the US to employe mercenary armies to fight its wars.

I was worried for a minute that something might actually be amiss. Move along people. Nothing here to see.


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