Friday, August 15, 2008

This Week in the News

This week, Jerome Corsi, author of Unfit for Command, the book that launched the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, published his second book, Obama Nation inwhich he purportedly reveals that Sen. Barak Obama is the son of an alcoholic polygamist who holds anti American beliefs. While the book was denounced by the Obama campaign and many of its chief claims have been debunked in the mainstream media, Corsi was upbeat about the impact of his tome, "Listen. Obama is a scary black man who may make scary changes to this country. There are million of voters out there who desperately need a reason not to vote for him that does not have to do with their fear or bigotry. I am the straw they are grasping at. I few well placed smears and few mixtures of fact and fiction and Joe Sixpack can confidently say,"I am not a racist but...'"

This week, the newspapers were abuzz with the latest news on the street: the GOP can no longer count on the votes of religious Americas. It seems many Christians are taking stock of their faith and finding, as one prominent evangelical put it, "When you look at the political party that has traditionally championed poverty, social justice and care for the least of these, it's not been the Republican Party." In response to this tectonic shift, both presidential candidates are revamping their efforts to attract religious voters. Ever curious, TWN ventured out into faith based America and asked some questions. Cammy McPitcher from Roanoke, VA offered the following, "Yeah. There has been a shift in my thinking. Turns out war and poverty are like.... actually talked about in the Bible. While homosexuality and abortion just get some vague references in the Old Testament...who'd a thunk we need to care for actual people...." Tyra Pulitzer of Andover, MA had a different take. "This is just a fad. The trendy thinking right now. When you get right down to it is the dirty filthy sex people are having that is at the route of any moral problem and it is our job to judge it and condemn the little tarts and hussies who partake in it. I mean, imagine the difference we can make in the world..."


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