Monday, August 25, 2008

This Week In The News

This week, Sen. John McCain rolled out a new campaign ad in Michigan. The central message --Barak Obama will RAISE TAXES. According to a McCain spokesman, the ad was designed to transport voters back to the days of yore when there was actually someone who thought more tax cuts for the rich would make the economy a peach. McCain's campaign also announced that he will take tough stands against the crack cocaine epidemic in the inner cities, communist influence in Central America, and vile artists funded by the NEA. The McCain camp also debuted a white t-shirt that says" FRANKIE SAY VOTE FOR MCCAIN."

This week, Sen. John McCain who admitted to a reporter (from the right leaning Politico) that he doe not know how many houses he and his wife own, continued his attack on Barak Obama as a "liberal elitist." Asked to define the invective he often hurls at his opponents, Sen McCain said, "A liberal elitist is someone who I perceive to be smarter than me, who thinks that application of those smarts to current problems may do some good, who thinks other people -- who I may not like -- have the right to live their lives differently than I do and who thinks Europe is not entirely filled with cowardly homosexuals. You know the type, all those people who talk about societies 'evolving' and 'growing' and who want to 'raise the bar.' Always telling us we are not good enough.... "

This week, celebrity Reverend Rick Warren hosted both presidential candidates at his Saddleback Church for frank discussions on faith and politics. A virtual telethon of piety, the session elicited the candidates stances on issues such as abortion, war, poverty, the environment and whether homosexuals should be discriminated against a lot or just a little. The session was viewed as a success. Said one organizer, "it is important that we Christians hear the candidates views on living the gospel message before we predictably vote for someone who starts an unjustified war, cuts entitlements for the poor and middle class, endorses torture, and turns a blind eye to the victims of national disaster. I mean, it takes some work to talk like a Christian and vote like a Roman."

This week, George Mason University’s Center for Media and Public Affairs released a study of six weeks of TV news reports on the Presidential race. They concluded that Sen. Obama’s coverage was 28 percent positive, 72 percent negative. John McCain's coverage was 43% positive and 53% negative. This study undermines Senator's McCain's repeated theme that his opponent is some sort of celebrity who gets a free pass from the media. Asked about the discrepancy between reality and his rhetoric,McCain flared his nostrils and screamed, "O yeah... I remember 2000. I was the media darling. I was the straight talker. I was the lovable curmudgeon whose faults could be overlooked because of my war hero past. I was the most popular boy on the bus. Everyone wanted to eat donuts with me. And now I spend all my time explaining why I am so different now. All of a sudden people notice that I make mistakes .... lots of mistakes and that I talk about war ... a lot. Like its the only thing I want to talk about. John wants his donuts back....John wants his back slappy, pie eyed press buddies back."


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