Friday, October 24, 2008

Terrorism in the Eye of The Beholder

In her interview with Brian Williams yesterday, Governor Palin carefully avoided the question of whether abortion clinic bombers were terrorists in the way she claims Bill Ayers was a terrorist. I blogged on the question below and it is always interesting to see where folks draw the line.

I suspect Palin may believe there is an argument to be made that clinic bombers are simply stopping the slaughter of innocent human life. But can't the same argument be made on behalf of those who bombed parts of the military industrial complex in order to stop the US from invading Cambodia and Laos (both neutral countries)or dropping napalm on civilians (we have all seen the pictures)? One might even argue that stronger case could be made for those who tried to stop the taking of actual life, instead of just theoretical life.

I know we all hate terrorists... except when we don't.


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