Thursday, December 11, 2008

W Who?

In a new NBC/WJ Poll, only 33% of those surveyed admitted they voted for President Bush once. 52% denied ever voting for him. Uhmmmm....

Seriously, there were a lot of good reasons to vote for W. Among those I have heard:

He is a man of(silly and made up)faith.

He has a strong commitment to life (for fetuses).

He comes from a good family.

He will protect us from all the things Dick Cheney says threaten us.

The oil industry really needed a friend in government.

Things were going so well at the end of his first term.

Things go better when the rest of the world views us as a slightly retarded, but incredibly dangerous, child.

I really liked his position on global warming.

I got sick off all those smart aleckly Clinton people thinking they were smarter than everyone else. I mean what does Al Gore know?

There was no way I was going to vote for a Nobel Laureate or a decorated veteran and multi term Senator when I could vote for Bush.

He was so successful in his business career.

Face it. If you voted for this guy, its time to revisit your process for making major decisions. Step one: "unhook nitrous oxide..."


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