Friday, June 23, 2006

The Chickenhawk's Mantra

This week, uber advisor Karl Rove delivered a speech in which he criticized Sen. John Kerry and Rep. Jack Murtha for wanting to "cut and run" in Iraq. Odd. Rove was of age to serve when both Kerry and Murtha were playing hide and seek with the Viet Cong yet -- like so many of his compatriots (the President and Vice President) Rove avoided service in Vietnam. Defending his non service Rove stated "At that time, the US needed principled defenders of the war in Vietnam. I realized that I could not fill that vital role if I actually served in Vietnam as it seems that personal experience with war tend to sour one's outlook on armed conflict. I had to remain pure and unsullied by any actual knowledge of the war's realities. History has vindicated me on this. Do you think anyone who had ever actually made war would be effective at promoting this one? I think not."


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