Thursday, November 30, 2006

All Hat, No Cattle

By now everyone has heard about the conversation between Sen. James Webb (D. Va) and the President. Seems the President asked Webb, a veteran, about his son who is serving in Iraq. Webb reponded that he wanted his boy home. The President rejoined: "That's not what I asked you. I asked you how your boy is." Webb told him "That is between me and my boy," and walked off.

Of course the President looks bad. Not just because he is insensitive, but because he is essentially a haircut masquerading as a man. There is no there, there, with our President. But we knew this going in. Here was a pro business conservative whose business career consisted of wrecked companies and feathery positions arranged with his father's friends. Here is the Education President, whose own educational achievements were mediocre, mostly through lack of trying. Here is the War President who himself actively avoided military service and whose military age children are running around Argentina celebrating their birthdays. Here is the allegedly Christian Compassionate Conservative whose Presidency has been marked by the notion of a preemptive war, rising income inequality and rising poverty.

There are many reasons to dislike Bush the President. There are also reasons to dislike Bush the Man. One of them appears to be that he is never what he says he is. He appears to have no principles dear to him. Nothing to which he will actually dedicate himself.


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