Friday, November 17, 2006

Oh Please

I see this morning that at least the NYT is making a big deal over the fact that Jack Murtha did not get the Democratic Minority Leader's job even though he was supported by Speaker Pelosi. The Times suggested this may be "fatal" to Pelosi.

Oh please.

It seems to me that in 1994 Speaker Gingrich backed some guy from Pennsylvania for the Majority Leader's position. He lost to Tom Delay. I checked. The Times barely reported on the subject let alone called it fatal. Why? Because it wasn't then and isn't now.

Second, this is a win-win for the Speaker. She backed a candidate who showed cajones when everyone else in the Party was wringing their hands. She repaid Murtha the favor the Dems owed him for turning the zeitgist on the war and just as importantly avoided any criticism that she was "abandoning" Murtha who is a minor hero to many in the party. Now she is "stuck with" a guy who is a better leadership pick then Murtha. Public happy. Party happy. Murtha disappointed but not feeling sold out.

Me thinks the lady will survive this wound.


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