Tuesday, March 13, 2007

That is So 2003...

V.P. Dick Cheney hit the speaking circuit this week with a speech to AIPAC inwhich he rattled off the following:


When members [of Congress] speak not of victory but of time limits, deadlines and other arbitrary measures, they are telling the enemy simply to watch the clock and wait us out," ..

"When members of Congress pursue an antiwar strategy that's been called 'slow bleed,' they are not supporting the troops, they are undermining them.

Mr. Vice President, the day when you can question opponents of your war by saying they undermine the morale of our troops is gone. A solid majority of Americans now believe this war was a mistake and you can no longer effectively use the "troops" as a weapon to silence your critics. By the way, a "slow bleed" is what the men and women who did your bidding are now experiencing at Walter Reed. Print that on a yellow ribbon and put it on your bumper, Dick.


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