Monday, July 16, 2007

Bring Back Jessica Hahn

I just watched a video transcript of former Bush Aide Sara Taylor's testimony before Congress. Two points 1) between Monica Goodlow (a former Gonzalez aide) and Taylor it just seems that Republicans can't get enough of blondes with big old hair. If there were ever a "Women of the West Wing" spread in Playboy it would look like the University of Nebraska cheerleading squad in 1988. Second, it is very apparent that the "executive privilege" (caps not deserved) that Taylor keeps talking about is a creation of White House counsel Fred Fielding. Its content seems to be "information detrimental to the President is privileged, but information which appears to take the heat off can be readily divulged." Plus she keeps waiving it .. .and the remembering it .. and waiving .... and remembering it.

I hope the Democrats on the Commmitee -- it looks like Arlen Specter is the only Republican who shows up -- have the courage to bring a contempt charge and burst through this made up privilege. If not, they are basically allowing the Executive to carry on its business without any threat of public oversight. (Am I wrong, or would the executive privilege as framed here prevented John Dean from ratting out Nixon?).


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