Monday, July 09, 2007

A Good Day to be Al Gore

Al Gore lost the presidency to George W Bush in 2000. Since then he told us that we should pay more attention to global warming. He told us that the Iraq Invasion was a bad idea. He told us that the Bush Administration was playing it fast and lose with its accountability to the American people. He told us that our media's obsession with fake celebrity news was dangerous. In 2000 people did not vote for Al Gore becuase he was not a regular guy and he rolled his eyes and snorted when George W. Bush told a whopper of a lie during a debate. Since then the mainstream press has come up with all sorts of names for him. Joe Klein of Time has called his "crazy" and a "scold." Pople accused him of having sour grapes.

Now it seems that Mr. Gore was right about Global Warming. Right about Iraq. Right about the President. Right about the media. Now there are some people who want him to run for President again.

It must be awfully tempting for him not to snort and roll his eyes.


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