Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The Mine Disaster

Six miners are now trapped below ground in Utah after an underground cave in. The United Mineworkers Union claims the accident was the result of "retreat minining" a practice whereby the last remaining pillars of coal are destroyed in an effort to gain higher yields. The Mine's president, Charles Murray, claims that the cave in was the result of an earthquake.(According to seismologists, any "quake" was likely a result, not the cause, of the mine's collapse.) Some intersting facts about mine owner Charles Murray:

Murray has testified before Congress that global warming is a myth and the coal industry should not be regulated in an effort to control greenhouse gasses.

The Mine Safety and Health Administration has cited Murray's mine in central Utah with more than 300 violations since January 2004, including 118 "significant and substantial" violations that are considered serious enough to cause injury or death

In 2002, Murray threatened officials of the MSA with the fact that he is friends with Sen. Mitch McConnell (R KY) who "last I checked is sleeping with your boss." (DOL Sec. Elaine Choa). Notably, Choa has been criticized for taking a lax attitude toward mine safety by refusing to do anything to repeat offenders. Mining deaths have risen 40% since 2005.

Katrina, I-35, Utah. Who is minding the store?


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