Friday, April 11, 2008

A Few Questions

Pope Ratzinger (for he will always be Ratzinger to me)is coming to visit NYC and DC this month. Being committed to transparency, I am sure he will be taking questions. Here are a few:

1) In 2004 it was discovered that Cardinal Law, head of the Boston diocese, had tolerated the sodomy of young boys by Catholic priests and in fact had covered up the allegations against numerous pedarests, thus allowing them to commit further acts of sodomy against other boys. You recently gave Cardinal Law a very lucrative
($12k/mos plus a lavish apartment)and prestigious position in Rome. Why?

2) Given the uncontested facts in number one above, why would any Christian continue to support your Church or anything else that you were involved in? Inertia is not an acceptable answer.

3) Recently you loosened restrictions on the Tridentine Mass, complete with its anti semtic prayers. You have also claimed that Catholicism is the only true religion. Precisely what does a global game of "my god is bigger than yours" accomplish in this day and age? Are there Holy Lands you still seek to recover? Are you really ready to rumble with the Methodists?

4) The Roman Church is one of the wealthiest institutions in the world. Yet here in Detroit, the Church has all but abandoned the inner city, closing schools and parishes that served the poor. Is there any way, not involving ether, that this level of hypocrisy can be justified? (Oddly, the yearly salary paid to Cardinal Law would probably pay the salary of at least six Catholic school teachers.)


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