Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I Try, Really I Do

I try to be responsible. I try to understand. I read the right wing blogs. And I don't play that game of seeking out the most bizarre and marginal right wing opinion and pretending that it represents the consensus of the GOP. I stick close to Townhall, National Review, American Spectator, the WSJ etc.

But some times it is overwhelming. Here is one conservative commentator and radio host on taggers/graffiti artists/vandals:

Conservatives tend to regard graffiti as an assault on society, perpetrated by pathologically narcissistic lowlifes bent on undermining the foundations of higher civilization.

This came during his defense of shooting taggers to wound. "Pathologically narcissistic lowlifes?" Most of these people are like 12. "Bent on undermining the foundations of higher civilization." Somehow, I cannot attribute that kind of lofty goal to them. Maybe I can attribute that motive to Lex Luthor or Dr. No, but not a bunch of taggers.


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