Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bill O'Reilly/Jack Bauer

Last night on his show, Bill O'Reilly got in a short kerfuffle with Christopher Hitchens about torture. O'Reilly approves, Hitchens disapproves. What was interesting is that O'Reilly began the segment with a clip from Fox' other uber patriot and preeminent torturer, Jack Bauer.

Now, I realize this may have been one of Fox' attempts to cross market its shows -- Fox does that better than anyone -- however at the same time, is there a significant segment of the population who don't get that "24" is a TV show and that the ticking time bomb scenarios is spins out aren't real?

I am not naive about O'Reilly. I realize his demographic is not the cream of the crop. (Like talk radio, his home base is high school educated white men making under $50k a year, with a secondary bump in the 60+ crowd.) However, I think his show is a barometer as to how a certain segment of the population thinks. And its scary.


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