Monday, January 12, 2009

"Grateful Gratitude"????

I just got an e-mail from Mike Dunca, the current RNC Chair. He was soliciting a donation to show President Bush our "Grateful Gratitude." As opposed to showing our ungrateful gratitude. Here is his opening paragraph with my additions:

For the last eight years, President Bush has led our country with firm determination [to let V.P. Cheney run the show] and a steady hand [at clearing brush] in the face of numerous challenges and crises [mostly of his own creation]. He restored honor and integrity to the White House [as long as you do not view, torture, lying, unauthorized spying and preemeptive war as somehow dishonorable] and protected America from another terrorist attack [after he failed to stop the first terrorist attack even though he was warned about it about a month earlier.]


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