Friday, June 23, 2006

Doing the Hard Work of Lowering the Bar

This week, the Department of Defense announced that a number of US soldiers were being tried for murder in the deaths of Iraqi civilians in the Salahuddin Province and the city of Hanandya. The news comes on the heels of the Army's internal investigation of an alleged civilian massacre at Haditha. In order to blunt the possible negative effects of the news, the Pentagon announced that it was creating a new slogan which it hoped loyal Republicans would spread. At this point, the leading candidates are 1) "Only girly men care about civilian deaths, " 2)" Eggs, omelettes dude," 3) "Yeah, but they do bad stuff to us too," 4)"We own this country, like it or not the Iraqis are our b--ches," 5) Are you disrepecting our troops?" and 6) Shouldn't you be more worried about gay marriage?"


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