Monday, August 20, 2007

Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

According to the news last week the President is back in Crawford for a little R&R and fake cowboy shenanigans. I guess there is really nothing going on in Washington that needs his attention. (He will travel to Canada for two days this week to meet with Canadian PM Harper and Mexican President Calderon at a luxury resort outside Quebec. It is made from the biggest log cab on earth so our guy should feel right at home.)

I know. I know. The President can handle anything he needs to in Crawford and his psuedo-ranch is fixed up to act as command central should he so desire. You know there are a multitude of reasons to dislike this President. But he makes it so easy by acting like an over entitled lazy f--k. I could maybe hold my ire in check if I felt the guy was on top of things, out there doing the best he can, taking meetings, finding facts, pulling the ol' half moons down his nose as he examines the particulars of troop movements or budget proposals. Instead, all we get is vacations and his strangely breezy demeanor. Its like he has some bent hostility for the American people. He won't even give us the courtesy of maintaining an appearance of concern.

We have a mini financial panic in the offing, the Iraq "government" is ever so closer to falling apart, two Iraqi governors have been assisinated, Putin is reassembling his country's Cold War apparatus and Iran is ... well... Iran. At this moment, jetting off the Crawford is a lot like giving me the finger.


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