Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Sarah Palin

A few thoughts on McCain's VP pick.

It is transparently cynical. However, I said that through most of 2004. Isn't she really just the second coming of Dan Quayle. An attractive right winger with little actual utility? Laugh if you must, but DQ was VP for four years. Being a lightweight with odd politics is not is disqualifier.

Surprisingly, we agree on the Iraq war. Palin said: "We are a nation at war and in many [ways] the reasons for war are fights over energy sources, which is nonsensical ..." I think the McCain camp sent her a memo about the war being a about WMD/9-11/freedom. I suspect she will soon read up.

Governor Palin keeps saying she is proud about the "choice" that her daughter made to get married and have her baby. Isn't this the "choice" she wants to deny all women?

Turns out the baby's dad describes himself (on his MySpace Page) as a "f--ckin' redneck" who will "kick your ass if you f-ck with" him. Obviously a class act. I seem him with a Friday night speech at the convention.

It appears Palin and her husband were members of Alaska's third party, the AIG. They advocate that Alaska secede from the US, although members differ on what form of government the new nation should take. She left the AIG when she ran for Mayor of her hometown.


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