Chronicles of Gore
Thank god we didn't elect this guy President....
The Overpass grows out a two year run as a weekly e-newsletter. The Overpass intends to be a forum for the cynical, the snide, the idealistic and anyone else who looks around them and senses the we, as a people, can do better and that maybe, just maybe, we have been sold a bill of goods. The Overpass will also be a forum for fans of the Detroit Tigers, outdoor concerts, and all other things right and good.
Permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and
attachments for others, should be excluded. The nation which
indulges towards
another a habitual hatred or a habitual fondness is in some
degree a slave. It
is a slave to its animosity or to its affection.
The point here is that, despite USA Today's scary headline, no scientists has been able to associate marijuana with any serious symptomology. How then, do we justify the headline?
Anecdotal evidence.
Besides the facts cited above, the article also traces the lives of Tyreol Gardren and Rachael Kinsey, who have had hard lives and have smoked marijuana. I guess when you don't have science on your side, you have to find some shocking examples whose lives have been ruined and who have used drugs and hope that readers assume their lives were ruined because they used drugs.
I feel for Tyreol and Rachael. They have had a rough time of it. But I am not sure their sagas are a sound basis for public policy.