Wednesday, May 31, 2006
One Year is Blood Isn't It?
"I think they're in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency."
Line Up the Privates....
This week, US officials are concluding their investigation into whether US Marines murdered twenty four Iraqi civilians in Haditha last November and then filed false reports to cover up the massacre. Many media outlets are speculating that this scandal may harm the US military more than revelations regarding prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib prison. While the White House would not publicly address its plan to deal with the incident, a secret Oval Office memo leaked to TWN reveals the White House's strategy. The handwritten memo's salient points are reprinted below:
- Press Conference -- bad apples, rotten tomatoes, not the America we know yada yada
- Cheney -- Swift Boat Murtha. Not a patriot? "Some people think Marines should not defend themselves...?"
- Subliminal --- Iraqi's are far away and very different. probably not nice people. liberal media picks on us
- not accountable for what military does (talk to Rummy on this) check Abu Ghraib script.
- Joint Chiefs -- remind them that media will jump on us when children are killed. Find privates to court martial.
- Blair -- chill out cockney boy. stuff happens. eggs omlettes etc.... call Condi. Tell her to untwist Brit knickers.
- UN -- Marys too concerned with people other than us.... Call Bolten. Threaten to hold up more dues.
- Snow -- colon cancer a lot like family being shot up in front of you ... waterworks?!
- Laura -- Matronly and genial. But killer herself. blowback possible. keep her out of loop.
Monday, May 29, 2006
My Memorial Day Post
I, of course, was going to offer my usual blend of snide witticism and damning facts. A little humour, mixed with a little bile.
But that is getting very hard to do. Particularly now, with over 2000 soldiers dead and a civilian bodycount we like to ignore, and as we learn that US Marines may have been involved in a civilian massacre in Haditha, it becomes very difficult even to raise the flag of gallows humour. We are over three years into a war that has claimed the lives of over two thousand US soldiers, between 30,000 and 100,000 Iraqi civilians (depending upon who does the counting)and countless lives of our allies. There are no weapons of mass destruction. No connection to Al Queda and 9/11. No one greeting us like liberators. Nothing that would justify a bloodletting let alone a bloodletting of this magnitude.
When you take a step back, it is very difficult to find something funny here. But I have to. Because one thing we Americans hate is sincerity of the type that involves actual accountability. We don't like things to be our fault. That notion rubs uncomfortably against our belief about who we are. We are like so many people who deal with moral questions by asking, "That doesn't make me a bad person does it?". We are looking for some easy reassurance: "Despite what your soldiers do with their guns, their bombs, and their dogs. Despite the murderous despots you arm and finance. Despite the lengths you will go to to secure a steady supply of oil. Despite the swelling gap between how you live and how the rest of the world must live. Despite all that you are a good people. You are virtuous, kind and just. So sleep well."
But that of course is just so much BS.
We have taken life with no good reason. We have made a terrible muck of things and all of us, not just our elected leaders, are accountable for it. We turned a blind eye. While glorifying some kind of Christian awakening in our country, we have acted in the most un Christian of ways. We believed what was easy to believe and in doing so neglected our responsibilities as moral beings in a democracy. We let fear, and not a little self righteousness, rule the day.
And yeah, maybe that makes us bad people.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
And From the My Lai Book of Great Excuses...
God is My Campaign Advisor....
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
"Eeeengler ...You Got [The State} on [Its'] Knees..."
Monday, May 22, 2006
The Big Red Machine Throws a Gear
Oh Give It A Break...
Friday, May 19, 2006
Her words cut like bullets.....
Big Telco's Ad Blitz
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Better Living Through Science ...
This week, feminist groups issued a broadside against pharmaceutical companies for "medicalizing" the normal process of menopause. According to some women pundits, big pharma has turned the change of life into a disease just so they can market drugs to fight it. Underlying the activist's claim was a confidential memo identifying other "maladies" the pharmaceutical industry hoped to combat:
- greendayia (sullenness in adolescent boys);
- dramaqueenisis (causes overly strong emotional responses in adolescent girls);
- buthethinksimprettynosis (an affliction causing pregnancy in adolescent females);
- sportcsaraphobia (declining testerone in middle aged men);
- Crateandbarreluenza (an affliction of the suburban upper middle class);
- navelgazeus (an affliction of the overeducated professional class)
- igottagetmarriedandpregnantnow syndrome (afflicting mostly middle class white women in their 30s);
- prepatoryschoolotosis (a highly contagious affliction of the upper East Side in NY);
- hillaritis (an affliction causing nonsensical blather in white men over 45);
republicantardation (progressive loss of brain cells triggered by successive drops in the marginal tax rate); - and its related affliction, itsallaboutusomia (a current epidemic in the US leading to the loss of ability to morally reason).
You Win More Friends with Botox and a Sensible Pant Suit...
Don't Ask Them About Crazy Eights ...
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
The Twinkies
Monday, May 15, 2006
Gutless Wonder
"no interest" in pursuing the impeachment of President Bush should the Democrats retake Congress. According to Pelosi's spokesperson, this is a canny tactical move designed to blunt any assertion that a Democratic Congress would create a fuss in an already befuddled country. Bullshit. Pelosi's alleged cleverness only reinforces with the public the image of the Democrats as unable or unwilling to do the right thing. The fact that Pelosi, as an elected official, thinks that she can turn away from an Administration whose incompetence and arrogance have cost countless lives, billions of dollars, and untold goodwill reinforces with the public the image of politicians as amoral and craven.
Trainwreck Ann
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Two Kinds o' Patriotism
Friday, May 12, 2006
From Let's Roll to Abu Ghraib
Who is at 1-800-SEX-KITTY?
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Greed is Good, Darkness is Light...
So the Dali Lama, the Pope and Oprah Walk Into a Bar
I just thought I 'd let that one sit out there.....